Dear Sister Knowitall,
We have been friends for a long time . The cards I have dealt are not fair. Since my mom and dad passed it is just the last straw. I don't even know how to make rhyme nor reason out of my life or where to go from here. I hope you have some aid for an old friend.
Hello Dear Friend,
I so wish I could spend some time with you. You are an amazing talent and have truly been dealt
some hard knocks. I know one thing for certain. Life is not certain or even fair. I do believe with all my being that in the hand we are dealt we can choose to see the good cards and throw out the bad cards then find what we have to be grateful for in those cards. Sorry for the card reference. I cannot say that I understand how you feel. I can say that I understand deep heart pain. I've been knocked down so many times and it takes time but I do get back up. I have to. I wasn't born to live in misery and I won't do it. Happiness is a choice. It just is!

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